Reviews and Testimonials
Here are some REVIEWS and comments for Henry Szwinto Equine Photography from people I have worked with.
I always give my very best to get great images that people will love and cherish.
Get in touch if you would like to ask about a shoot.
You can phone me or contact me here

Nigel surprised me last night when he brought home the beautiful framed photo!!! I was almost in tears it was so beautiful blown up to that size and such a wonderful, thoughtful surprise!

Oh …I can’t stop looking at it, so beautiful, so mystical with the trees and moss, perfect for his breed …….if this is not your fav, I feel excited to see more.

As usual they look AMAZING! I’m still blown away.

I’ve had a look through all of them, they are stunning!

Absolutely stunning photos, that have taken our breath away. We keep having to look at them over and over again as they capture such a mystical and stunning moment in time. Thank you for all your time and effort.

Thank you so much for sending those pictures through. I’ve been bouncing off the walls all day at work! They really are very beautiful images – your work is amazing, Blue looks magnificent if I say so myself!!
Thanks again for such a great day yesterday, and for all your hard work. Both Blue and I really enjoyed every moment of itI cannot thank you enough! Each photo is absolutely stunning.